Viridian Soul Food Green 90s capsules


The 100% Organic Soul Food Greens product offers a complete, natural, all organic means of delivering an abundance of crucial vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, antioxidants e.g. SOD, chlorophyll, phytonutrients, and so much more, for everyday supplementation.


Being concentrated organic superfoods they help maximise physical health and performance, detoxification, energy levels, and help re-establish normal acid/alkaline levels in the body and support intestinal flora and hence support immune function and host resistance. 100% Organic Soul Food Greens Capsules can be supplemented as part of the Viridian Organic Weight Management Plan.

Potential applications: Fatigue (stress related / chronic), inflammation, detoxification (shown to detoxify dioxins), hyperacidity, gastrointestinal support (gut flora regulation), hair, skin and nail health, weight control, metabolic syndrome, glucose dysregulation, sports nutrition, nutritional support (useful for B12, iron and folic acid), immune support, hypertension, natural antioxidant protection.

This formula, given its broad array of naturally occurring nutrients, can be viewed as a natural Organic multinutrient formula.

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