Sonatur Psoriasis Moisturizing Cream 200ml


Sonatur Psoriasis 200ml cream may assist in soothing inflamed areas of your skin caused by dry, red skin patches or silvery scales and plaque on your body or scalp, calming itchy or tender skin. Our Psoriasis skin care cream is made from Rose Geranium Essential Oil to rejuvenate your skin from the inside out, soothing inflammation and flare ups and reducing scar tissue and pigmentation with cell regeneration. Ensures your skin and scalp is hydrated with the right mix of natural ingredients, offering relief to dry, itchy skin.

Sonatur Psoriasis moisturizing cream is non oily, smells great and quickly absorbs into your skin. Can be used at night before going to bed.



Apply frequently to your body by gently rubbing the Sonatur Skin Care Psoriasis cream in any affected areas, including face and ears, scalp, back, stomach, legs, hands, elbows and knees. Use as a daily moisturizer and at night before bed to cleansed skin but for best results can be applied more frequently throughout the day (3-5 times daily). You should see a difference after 2-3 weeks but noticeable results are usually within 6-8 weeks.

Gentle exfoliation is recommended on flaky white plaque, using a small amount of Sonatur Psoriasis cream and bicarbonate of soda. Exfoliation is not recommended more than twice a week. Click here to see how to make a simple exfoliator using Sonatur Healing Balms

Once your skin has improved, you can continue to use Sonatur Skin Care Psoriasis moisturizing cream to keep it nourished or switch to maintenance products like Sonatur Anti-aging or Sonatur Skin Treatment as your daily moisturizer.


Aqua (water), cosmetic grade natural white oil, cosmetic grade binders, lanolin, and organic rose geranium.

*The use of some essential oil products are not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

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