Sonatur Anti-Aging Moisturizing Cream 200ml


Sonatur Anti-Aging 200ml moisturizing cream that will assist in reducing fine lines, tighten facial skin and slow the effects of aging. Made with Rose Geranium essential oil to enhance skin from the inside out and boost skin health. This moisturizing cream assists with cell regeneration and pigmentation, hydrating your skin with the right mix of natural ingredients, for velvety skin that looks and feels amazing.

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Apply at least twice daily by gently rubbing the anti-aging moisturizing cream onto face, neck and hands. Use as a daily moisturizer and at night before bed to cleansed skin but for best results can be applied more frequently. You should see a difference after 2-3 weeks but noticeable results are usually within 6-8 weeks.

Gentle exfoliation is recommended to speed up skin rejuvenation, using a small amount of Sonatur Anti-Aging moisturizing cream and bicarbonate of soda, not more than twice a week. Click here to see how to make a simple exfoliator using Sonatur moisturizing creams


Aqua (water), cosmetic grade natural white oil, cosmetic grade binders, lanolin, and organic rose geranium.

*The use of some essential oil products are not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding so please consult your medical practitioner before use.

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